Turmeric Benefits | Hypertension

It is a well known fact that the leading cause of death in the world is due to cardiovascular diseases.

In this article we wish to provide you with a method to lower your chances of early death due to this major cause.

Providing you with a detailed, description of how best to consume, turmeric that will provide the most benefit to you.

First, add 1 oz of oil of your choosing, we recommend Olive Oil, in to a average size bowl and mix in a teaspoon of turmeric.

Stir the mixture for 30 seconds then, take a spoonful and hold it under your tongue for as long as you can.

This allows the phytonutrients found within the turmeric to dissolve in the oil and enter your bloodstream making the active nutrients bioavailable. The nutrients then travel to major organs via the bloodstream and along the way creating a neuroprotective effect lowering and your chances of stoke.

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